Monday, November 5, 2007

New Rabbinic Festivals and Fast Days Volume from Daily Dose of Torah - Series Two!

ArtScroll is thrilled to release the Series Two Daily Dose of Torah special edition of The Rabbinic Festivals and Other Special Days. Never has so much information on the minor holidays and fasts been compiled in one volume! Thorough, well-referenced, yet brief and engaging to read, this book was produced by Rabbi Yosaif Asher Weiss and a team of Torah scholars. 

The rabbinic festivals include Chanukah, Purim, Tu b'Shvat, Lag b'Omer, Tu and b'Av. There is a section for each of the Arba' Parshiyos of Parashas Shekalim, Parashas Zachor, Parashas Parah, and Parashas HaChodesh. There is an excellent study of each of the four fasting days of Ta'anis Esther, Asara b'Teves, Sheva Asar b'Tammuz, and Tisha b'Av. You'll also find compelling content on Rosh Chodesh and Shabbos HaGadol. 

This special edition follows the same now-familiar Daily Dose of Torah formatting, with each of the Torah thoughts for the day drawn from the relevant readings of that day or the passages which reflect on them. The Mussar and Siddur selections are thematically related to the particular day(s). Likewise, the Halachah, Mishna, and Gemara portions are specific to each holiday, fast, or special day. 

This is a volume you will use throughout the years as an individual reference or for paired, family, or group learning - a definite "next addition" to your growing library of essential Torah-related texts.

Order the Rabbinic Festivals & Fast Days here

Preview the companion study volume on the Festivals & Days of Awe here.  

To see all the volumes completed to date in the Daily Dose series, click here

Sefer Mishlei - Book of Proverbs - Is Now Complete! Volume Two Released!

Mishlei, in the famed ArtScroll Tanach Series, is now complete — volume 2 is here! King Solomon's Book of Mishlei/Proverbs is a guide to life. Its every line is a precious lode of wisdom, guidance, inspiration, and insight. The greatest minds and hearts of our history - from the sages of the Talmud to the thinkers, leaders, and ethicists of modern times - have mined every phrase of this book.
The result is here, in this magnificent volume, by two consummate scholars and teachers who faithfully communicate the wisdom of the wisest of men, as understood by the classic commentators.
This new volume includes a broad and brilliant treatment of Eishes Chayil - Solomon's tribute to the jewish wife and mother.
Since volume 1 appeared several years ago, the public has clamored for volume 2. Here it is! If you have volume 1, you'll welcome this one. If you don't - get both volumes without delay.

From the author of Uninterrupted Journey, a new novel about good people in conflict!

In a profound exposé of human emotions under pressure, One Flight Up by Rachel Schorr is a novel like few before it, daring to explore real-world interpersonal conflicts with candor and blunt honesty. Set in Israel, where day to day living is often abrasively demanding, this novel traces the emotional odyssey of a young couple, Avi and Tzippy Greenwald, who wish to enlarge their two-bedroom apartment to make life more comfortable for their eight children. According to Israeli law, the consent of all apartment owners is required before anyone undertakes any major building project. The Greenwald's are stunned that the Brecher's, an elderly couple whom they regard as their adopted Bubby and Zaidy, are the only ones in their building who are unalterably opposed to the renovation.
Despite great acts of kindness, alternating with cold acts of neglect, nothing changes the Brecher's obdurate resistance to the young family's plea for consent. The neighbors weigh in and the situation escalates into a war of words and ill-will.
The Brecher's never disclose the reasons for their strange refusal, even during the waning months of their lives. After her husband's death, Mrs. Brecher entrusts a diary to Tzippy Greenwald. This moving document will eventually become instrumental in changing perceptions, and will be a key to solve much that had previously appeared puzzling and incomprehensible. Subtle, absorbing, and replete with surprises, One Flight Up is more than just "a great read." It's a novel that delivers a story line that leaves the reader guessing until the last chapter.