Monday, June 18, 2007

More Straight Talking Advice from Rabbi Abraham Twerski

There's something about a newspaper advice column that fascinates readers and keeps them coming back for more. Rabbi Abraham Twerski's popular weekly column in Hamodia, Seeking Solutions, is no exception. People love it. Not one to miss a publishable opportunity, Rabbi Twerski gathered up a number of his favorites reponses to readers' questions which ArtScroll published last summer as Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor: The renowned rabbi-psychiatrist gives straight answers to tough questions

The content proved to be so popular in book form that ArtScroll decided to release Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor 2, a second volume with all new content - including some that was never published. Fresh off the bindery assembly, Dear Rabbi Dear Doctor 2 is on its way to a Judaica bookstore near you - or you can order it right now at 20% off during the annual BookWeek Sale, going on now until June 25.

Rabbi Twerski has authored over 50 books during his professional career as a renowed therapist and addictions specialist. A descendant of an illustrious chassidic dynasty, Rabbi Twerski has written 29 of his books with ArtScroll, a complete list of which is available here.